The Voyeur, the Hermit and the Social Sales Stars: Using Social to Recruit the Winners and Scrap the Losers

If you’ve followed this blog for anytime at all, you know how much I tout personal branding, social selling, social media and more. So, the fact that I’m doing a webinar on social selling and it’s impact on recruiting shouldn’t, won’t  surprise you.

Check it out and I’ll see you there;


“Too busy” to deal with social networking or build a following?  Think again.

These days, brands want to hire salespeople and sales leaders who have taken the time to cultivate an engaged social following and become a trusted resource to their customers and partners.  In effect, a candidate’s social footprint demonstrates his ability to tap into his network’s collective intelligence and influence prospective buyers online.

Discover how to build your social sales dream team, or how to groom yourself to become a part of that team.  Join A Sales Guy CEO Jim Keenan and KiteDesk CRO Sean Burke to learn:

·         Why ignoring or abusing social is equivalent to career suicide

·         Heads of Sales, how to know if someone is an A player through their social graph

·         How to close the gaps by bolstering your social graph

Register today!

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