The Greatest Reward From Writing My Book (Not Taught)

not taught

I knew Not Taught could help people. That’s why I wrote it, but I’m blown away by how much.

That was my motivation for writing Not Taught. I wanted to help people to find success. I wanted people to know that times had changed. I wanted them to know that we had left the Industry Age and entered the Information Age and because of that the approaches and methodologies they were using no longer worked.

What I didn’t realize when writing the book, was how rewarding it would be to hear from people who’s careers and lives changed because they had read Not Taught.

This morning I woke up to a comment in LinkedIn from Lee Bartlett. Lee is an Author, Sales Consultant and provides Executive Search services. This is what Lee had to say,

Keenan, Actually you, and Not Taught, are partly responsible for this blogging/reading commitment. Thanks! I think?! Great book my friend it was a pleasure to read and review.

I had no idea that Not Taught had influenced Lee, none.  Lee has a fantastic blog and website for salespeople, you should check it out here. Be sure to check out his book store, it’s a list and review of the best sales books available today.  It’s a great resource.

I receive emails, comments etc. every so often. People take the time to let me know how much Not Taught changed their life and how they now have opportunities they didn’t have before. It’s the best reward EVER for taking the time to write Not Taught.

If Lee’s comment wasn’t enough, Larry Levine, the copier salesman extraordinaire, who has burst on to the social media scene over the last year also chimed in.

Lee, it was after a conversation with Keenan . that I started blogging weekly and that was December of 2015. Next stop a book!

It’s an amazing feeling to know that I am able to help people. That because of Not Taught, people are now in a better place, achieving more than they were before. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and shit, knowing because I took the time to write Not Taught people’s lives are better because of it. I don’t care it’s a lot or a little, just to know that I was able to give back like that, to have a positive influence in

I don’t care it’s a lot or a little, just to know that I was able to give back like that, to have a positive influence in someone’s life is enough.

We often get caught up in the WIIFM (what’s in it for me) game. We think about the money, the exposure, the new business, etc. But in the end, what really feels the best is knowing we helped people. That people are in a better place because we took the time to create something of value for others.

Writing Not Taught has been a killer experience and it has provided amazing opportunities, but every time I get emails from people or see comments like Lee’s is when the real reward is felt. What an amazing feeling!

I love starting days like this.

Thanks to everyone who has shared their story with me. It keeps me going knowing it’s making a difference.

You guys rock, thanks!!!

FYI: If you haven’t read Not Taught, you can download the first few chapters here free.  And if you like it and you apply and it changes your life too. Tell me, it’s better than Red Bull to start my day.





  1. Keenan, I’ve always believed each of us can Make A Difference, and Change The World. You are doing so with Not Taught! Well deserved/earned success, of course no surprise.

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