Sunday Morning Blog – How Does That Make You Buy?

I haven’t done a Sunday Morning Blog in while. I thought it was time, so it was nice to be reminded of Doug Rice’s at How Does That Make You Buy blog.

As much as like his blog, I dig Doug’s energy and passion. Doug isn’t afraid to mix it up and just go for it.  He has a YouTube channel where he recaps his week. (gotta love the blue curtains in the back ground) He has a great series; Top 10 Blog Posts of the Week.  Doug is constantly providing new and unique info for his readers and he takes a straightforward approach to delivering his messages.

Doug represents what the Web is all about. He’s a hungry, passionate guy sharing good content in an open, down to earth, easy to connect with kinda way. At a time when blogs seem to be getting heavy, professional and less personal, How Does that Make You Buy is a refreshing addition to your reader.

Check him out.
