Sunday Morning Blog — Edgy Conversations, Dan Waldschmidt

If there is anyone in sales with a bigger personality than Dan Waldschmidt, they must not be very good, because there is no way they could fly under the radar.  Dan Waldschmidt is a charismatic freight train. Dan’s edgy, in your face style will challenge everything you hold dear, sacred and embrace as the status quo.

If you are a guardian of the status quo, don’t even consider clicking on Dan’s blog. You will be frustrated and Dan will leave you defenseless  licking your  wounds.

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Dan is my type of guy. He doesn’t accept the rules as we’ve been taught. Rather, he knows that success in sales and in businesses comes from hard work, creativity, commitment, ideas, innovation and that the rules only get in the way.

If you’re looking to shake up your sales organization or better yet, your entire company, then make Dan part of your daily reading.  Your head will thank you for it.


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