A Teaching Quota

Why not have a teaching quota? Teaching is how we should be selling. Teaching is the selling skill our customers want from us. They want us to teach them something new. They want to be introduced to new ideas, new processes, new applications, new approaches.

If there were a teaching quota, sales people would have to know more about the market, the industry, and the trends. If there were a teaching quota marketing would have to provide sales people more teachable information and content. It there were a teaching quota there would be less pitching. If there were a teaching quota there would more discussion around solutions and less on the product. If there were a teaching quota customers would be more informed and more committed to you.

Selling happens when we teach. Customers are created when we inform. Deals are closed through education. Maybe we need a teaching quota. It just might stop us from doing all things that don’t matter and increase the things that do.

Could you achieve a teaching quota?

