What Would You Do Wednesdays – Going Around Your Buyer

We’ve all been strapped by this excruciating decision.  Do we go around our contact to get a deal?  This weeks, What Would You Do Wednesday takes on this very topic.  I expect there to be a lot of debate and opinions on this one.

Derek had been working the director of finance for months. He had given multiple demo’s, answered all of the directors questions, nailed the product fit and demonstrated a compelling ROI.  Derek had gone a step further and was able to show a lower TCO than his competition and a better user experience.  Derek felt very strongly that he should win the deal. Derek knew his solution was the best solution and it was also the best value. He knew the best decision for this company was to go with his solution.

After a few weeks of silence, Derek knew something was up.  He finally got a hold of his buyer. The buyer told Derek he wasn’t sure his solution was the right fit.  He listed a few concerns about the solution and it’s implementation. Upon hearing this, Derek knew his buyer didn’t understand. Derek had walked him through his concerns multiple times. Derek had even provided him with a simple, compare and contrast graph addressing his concerns. It wasn’t clicking for his buyer.

Derek was frustrated, clearly the director of finance was over his head.  He didn’t understand the product, it’s use case, it’s return and more. He just didn’t get it.  Derek had tried everything to make it as simple and straight forward as possible.  Derek now realizes he has to go over his buyers head to the V.P. or CFO.  Derek also knows from experience his buyer is VERY protective of his bosses and has made it perfectly clear that no one is to go above him.

Derek understands that going above his buyer could potentially ruin the current relationship. He also knows that if he doesn’t go above him, his chances of winning the deal are next to nil.

Derek wants this deal.  He’s worked hard on it.  Most importantly, it could make a HUGE impact on the prospects business. What concerns Derek is he could isolate his current buyer. He’s not sure the V.P. or CFO won’t just send him back down to the director, which would mean the end anyway. Derek needs to go over his buyers head, but doesn’t know how to do it without jeopardizing his current relationship. He’s stuck.

Derek has to go over his buyers head, but how? How does he go up without ruining the relationship and risking the deal?  Is there away to go up and not risk everything?

What would you do if you were Derek?  (as always, leave your thoughts in the comments)
