There is a lot less friction today. Content, information, and ideas are moving at unbelievable speeds.
I’m on vacation this week. While sitting by the lake I was doing some reading, when an article written by Fred Wilson about Dave McClures thesis came up in my stream. I clicked it, read it, thought it was good and decided to share it. So, I clicked the tweet button on Fred’s page. That took me to my Twitter page where it already captured the post title. All I had to do was click Tweet. I clicked Tweet and it was instantly shared with my 1225 followers. All this happened in less than 3 minutes from my phone.
While taking pictures today, BigE asked me to take another one with her iPhone so she could post it to Facebook right away and not have to wait to download to her computer. We’re posting to our family blog while we’re here and I’m posting this from my phone.
No computers, no iPads. All we’ve been using is our phones.
Information and connectivity are moving faster than ever. There is almost no friction between the event and the story.
I think this is amazing and not just for personal use. The event is what actually happens. The story is what everyone shares with all those who weren’t/aren’t there. The less friction there is, the closer the story can be to the event and that is a good thing.