The best part of blogging is the community that is created overtime and the best part of a community, for me, is the conversation. This blog is still relatively young, only 5 months old, yet it I can see the conversation beginning to improve.
I use Disqus comments which are a killer way to create great conversation. Disqus is doing a great job of aggregating links and sites from around the web. As people talk about a blog elsewhere, it pulls the comments into the stream. You can see it here from Twitter. As folks retweet a post, the twit is placed in the posts comment stream. Fred Wilson, investor in Twitter says Disqus 3.0 is coming soon and I’m looking forward to that. One of the features I hope it has is a way to connect to groups on LinkedIn.
The other day my post “Growth Doesn’t Come From Sales” created a tremendous amount of discussion in the Linkedin group It was fantastic conversation. The comments were insightful, provocative, and engaging. I really wished they could have been captured here. If you landed on the post from RSS or any other source besides the Linkedin group, you wouldn’t have known a great conversation was going on. Linking conversations from all across the Internet would make a for a powerful tool. This way the whole conversation could be captured. I like to hear what others think. I like a healthy debate. I enjoy reading others perspectives. Bringing comments and mentions from the entire Internet will make it feel just a little smaller.
If you are on LinkedIn check out join the group and check out the conversation. If you aren’t, I’m sorry you are unable to see the conversation here, maybe someone will make that happen soon. Disqus?