The Healing Power of Your Social Graph

Sarah Cortes lay on a rock, unable to move and speak. When she hit the water, she knew something was wrong. The sharp pain that ran up her spine, was not a good sign. She felt comfortable she could navigate the 50 foot cliff jump, but once she hit the water confidence quickly turned to fear. Able to slowly swim to shore and drag herself onto a rock, Sara lay there waiting for paramedics.

An hour later she arrived in an enormous trauma center. After several tests, MRI’s, and CAT Scan’s it is determined Sarah has a fracture of V12 and surgery is recommended. Uncomfortable with the recommendation and more importantly, if surgery is the only option Sarah wanted to be in Boston near her home, Sarah requests a transfer. That is when her ordeal accelerates from bad to worse.

In an effort to defend their position and their recommendation the hospital staff begins to feed her inaccurate information, denies her access to Dr’s outside of the hospital and do everything they can to make sure she has surgery at their facility. Fearful, confused and frustrated Sarah turns to her Twitter network for help. With in 1 hour she is able to find an “accepting neurosurgeon” in Boston (the requirement to be transferred) and demands to be released. Despite finding an “accepting neurosurgeon” she still struggles to gain the hospitals support for a release and transfer.

With the help of Twitter and Text Sarah final wins her release. The result, her Boston physician determines surgery is NOT needed. The new treatment; 6 months in a brace with full mobility. Sarah barely averts an operation requiring 6 months of bed rest and total immobility.

Our online presence is an asset. I’ve said this before and will say it again. It will be the most valuable asset we will have, worth even more than our home. It will affect our offline social status, where we work, the jobs we have, the people we date and even the medical treatment we receive.

Like any asset, it is more valuable when you invest in it. Are you investing in your online presence? You should be.
