UPDATE: Based on the comments and some conversations I’ve had, it appears I’m asking the question poorly. I need to ask it differently. My second shot at it.
Would you build a new SaaS, social application, that will be deployed to 100’s if not 1000’s of enterprise customers, using Joomla and PHP OR Java and Spring? Is an opensource CMS the way to go or should it be built from scratch?
I need some tech advice.
This is to all the tech geniuses in this community and/or anyone that has some insight into development platforms. Please, pass this along if you will.
I’m trying to determine a technology direction. Here is my question:
What is a better platform to build a social SaaS application. PHP and Joomla or Java and Spring? It’s a B2B application that will be rolled out to 100’s of different companies. It needs to be flexible, extensible and scalable.
Any and all suggestions would be helpful. If you need more info ask in the comments and I’ll provide any info you need.
Thanks all and please RT.
Nice Question.
Based on the Question and the fine details that you provided (more inclined towards content than application & follow blog model )
definitely you should opt for a CMS…php goes with it.& particularly WordPress… like this very page we are discussing on.( bottom right 😉 )
I was wondering which of the platforms discussed you ultimately decided to go with and if you could tell us about your experience with the framework you chose.
Thanks so much!
So what you really want is a web framework that you can build upon to manage content. You should have a look at Silverstripe. It is defined as a CMS but I personally define it as an MVC Web Framework (an actual framework unlike Drupal which I used to work with) with a CMS built in to manage pages and their attributes. I rarely use the CMS myself (just to setup the sitetree) but its really useful especially for webmasters and content editors. It is OO PHP with ORM. It performs quite well at scale. You really can get stuff up and running very quickly with customisation. There are few modules but they are great to extend your site functionality (members/multipageforms/payments/cronjobQueues etc..).
If you want a developer job in finance ($$$) right now then learn Spring. The trend is that graduates get taken on and are being taught Spring over a year or so. But they are getting paid to learn it.