I’ve arrived in San Francisco today. I’m attending the Sales 2.0 Conference tomorrow and Tuesday. Thanks to Qvidian for the complimentary pass.
I’m looking forward to the conference. I’m not sure what to expect. My hope is to learn something new. It’s really that simple. I think a lot is changing around sales. However, I don’t think the fundamentals of selling are changing. The environment we sell in is changing. Knowing how the environment is changing and it’s impact on selling is key for today’s sales people. The selling action? I’m not sure that’s any different.
I’m open to being wrong. And if I am, I’ll be glad to find out. That way I can embrace it and evolve.
My goal is to semi-live blog through out the conference. I say “semi” because I suck at listening and typing. The other reason I say semi is the topic has to be compelling. I much prefer provocative topics. They are more fun to write about. It’s easier to put passion behind them. I’m not very good at just recapping every session.
I’ll also tweet through out the conference. The hashtag is #s20c
If you’re at the conference and you want to hook up, hit me on Twitter, @keenan