I’ve Moved

I’ve moved.

I am no longer with Avaya.

I am now with 2Wire. I am excited about this move.

2Wire makes broadband wireless routers and gateways for DSL Service Providers. It’s a fun, dynamic, company with some very smart people.

Broadband is an interesting and exciting space to be in right now. There is a lot going on in broadband AND at 2Wire and that is exactly how I like it.

I’ll be working on developing sales strategy and improving sales operations. This is good fit for me. As I see it, it’s my job to help 2Wire grow revenue, find alternative approaches to market, streamline reporting, identify and implement sales systems and more.

My objective is to make sure 2Wire has a world class sales environment and we are well on our way. The team is talented, with a strong customer base and good product offerings. 2Wire has been the industry leader in the broadband routers and gateways for years. I’m pumped to be a part of the team, moving it forward and taking it to the next level.

Unlike, when I was with Avaya, you can expect I will post about what I’m doing at 2Wire. I’ll post about the broadband industry, where it’s going, how sales strategies should be applied to it, as well as other fun stuff I experience. I’m looking forward to the discussions with this community.

It’s going to be a fun ride. Change is a good thing.

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