IPhone Experiment

A few hours ago, just as I’m heading out of town for a week, my Macbook crashes. Nothing but the grey screen of death.

I am now without my computer for at least a week.

I figure rather than get upset I’m going to run a little experiment. I’m only going to use my IPhone.

I will be using only my IPhone for the next week. I will use it for my blogging (writing this post at the airport now), Twitter, e-mail, Facebook, LinkedIn, feedreader, blog comments, web-surfing and more. It will be my only device.

I’m curious to know if the type pad will get me frustrated, especially for longer posts and e-mails. I’m also curious how I’ll feel about the browser speed for surfing and commenting.

I use my IPhone for many of these things now, but mostly in a mobile capacity. It will be interesting to see how I feel after a week of just the IPhone.

I will update you with my thoughts when it’s over and I get my beloved Mac back.

Do you think I will miss it?
