How Often Do You Say But?

“But” is our way of getting out of commitments. Too often we say we are all about the customer BUT won’t provide a refund. We commit to innovation BUT need to cut R&D. We say we want to be the best place for employees to work, BUT say it’s too expensive to offer healthcare.

Making commitments is the easy part. It makes us feel good. It’s the first step in execution. The problem is commitment requires follow through. Don’t make commitments you’re not prepared to keep. If you’re customer centric, there is no BUT when it comes to refunds. If you are committed to innovation, R&D gets funded period. If you want to be the best place to work, you offer healthcare and more. Making commitments is more than words. It’s actually doing what you say.

Don’t make commitments you’re not prepared to keep. It doesn’t go unnoticed. If you do, the next time you make one, most will think . . . BUT that’s what you said last time.



  1. I love the concept of providing a little something extra that sets you apart from the rest of the crowd. In the back of my mind, I’m still wondering if this a good idea or if it is just a gimmick.

    • Bern-

      It’s only a “gimmick” if the content is not legit. The key is NOT to use it as a gimmick, but a valuable, relevant presentation. In this one, you’ll see LNP (Local Number Portability) under opportunities. When I was a candidate for the position, the FCC just mandated carriers allow subscribers to keep their numbers. LNP was mandated but the deadline had not arrived. LNP was a real opportunity for Mobile providers to “take” subscribers from the competition as they no longer feared losing their numbers. The Executive team was extremely impressed as the FCC had just ruled on it.

      Gimmic’s lack content. When looking for talent, I look for substance. I get very little substance from a resume. The more a candidate can demonstrate a command of their craft, the more inclined I am to hire them.

  2. Ho Keenan,

    It does take some 5 to 7 minutes to complete understand your post. The word count is really less but you know the points mentioned are awesome and interesting to read. Short and Informative

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