Have You Started Using Meerkat?

I got hip to Meerkat about two weeks ago. Like most people, I saw the all the noise coming out of SXSW and so became curious.  This week while at Insidesales.com Accelerate conference I decided to take Meerkat for a spin and see what it’s like.  I Meerkatted Hall of Fame QB Steve Young’s talk.   Steve is a pretty funny guy. I tried to upload it here, but it’s too big a file.  It rocked and I’m glad I tried it out. I see so much potential for Meerkat and social streaming that I posted about on Forbes the other day; 5 Unexpected Way Meerkat Will Crush It For Sales And Marketing

Streaming isn’t necessarily something new, but leveraging the Twitter platform and all of your existing followers changes the game.

Today we Meerkatted the filming of  The Word Episode Three Trailer and got feedback from some of the people watching. It was cool.  We’ll be Meerkatting the Actual Episode on Thursday as well. I’m excited.

Here’s the Meerkat from today’s The Word Episode 3 #Social Selling Trailer Shoot. Keep in mind, that in addition to the video stream, Meerkat brings in the Twitter chat as well, so you can engage with those who are watching.

This was streamed live across my entire Twitter stream.

When I started streaming this message was Tweeted:

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Anyone in my Twitter stream who clicked the link would instantly launch  the Meerkat App and be brought into the live stream. Voyeurism to the max.

In addition to being able to watch participants can chat and engage with you and each other  (this part is not captured in the recording, which bums me out). The chatting is captured in a live text stream in the Meerkat as well as on Twitter for others to follow.  It’s all pretty slick.

If you haven’t yet, check out Meerkat. It’s cool and it’s upping the personal brand and social game.

See you on Meerkat!
