When Being TOO Eager Fails

Being too eager can have the opposite of the desired affect.  Being too eager triggers your prospect or client’s brain to say; STOP something doesn’t smell right.

I got this email from a salesman yesterday. He cold called me the day before.  Notice the hard sell and over eagerness.

Dear Jim,

I wanted to get in touch to let you know about a promotion that ends Monday August 29th.

Hopefully you have had a chance to take a look around our website at www.coolplaces.com and explore our homes. By making weeks available in your second home, you could be spending your next vacation at one of these extraordinary places.

While our membership is selective, based on what we know of your property, we would be delighted to welcome you to the club.

As mentioned on the previous email, our members have expressed an interest in properties in your area so we are willing to waive the fee for your first vacation. You can essentially stay at one of our homes without having to pay anything as long as you reserve the home within 3 months of joining our club.

As an additional incentive, if you join by tomorrow, we would be happy to deposit an extra Key in your account. As we have several interested owners in your area, this promotion will not be extended.

Joining Company X takes about 5 minutes and our staff would be happy to help you through the sign-up process and enter your property’s details on the website for you.

Notice all the enticement.  Join by tomorrow and get an extra key (keys are like currency).  Don’t pay for your first stay.  We’re selective, but we’ll make an exception for you.  This company is eager to get me to join.

As I said, I received the info only the day before.  I am interested in the company and what they have to offer, but after getting this email, I’m a little more weary.  Why the push. Why so many incentives. Why do I have to join now. All these things trigger my croc brain.  It’s making me nervous.  Now that I’m nervous, I’m going to slow down the sales process.  That’s the exact opposite of the intention of the email.

When sales people are too eager they can do more harm than good.

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