There are two types of fear. The fear of today and the fear of tomorrow.
One freezes us to stop, to hide, to avoid, to procrastinate, to embrace the staus-quo. The other motivates us to fail, to be seen, to engage, to take action, to ignore the status-quo.
The fear of today tells us not to take risks at work, don’t strike out, don’t blurt out the wrong answer, don’t be embarrassed at the gym, don’t quit the job we hate. The fear of today tells us it’s not OK to fail. It says it’s not OK to look stupid, to strike out, to be wrong, to not look good, to take risks. The fear of today keeps us from doing things that could make our life better.
The fear of tomorrow tells us it’s not OK not to be promoted, to not make the baseball team, to keep our opinions to ourself, to be unfit, to be unhappy. The fear of tomorrow tells us it’s not OK to fail tomorrow. The fear of tomorrow says, fail now. The fear of tomorrow says, take risks at work, it can get you promoted, strike out it’s the first step in becoming a better hitter, express yourself others may follow, be embarrassed in the gym, you’ll eventually be fit, quit your dead end job, it’s how you find what your great at. The fear of tomorrow motivates to do the things that can make our life better, even if we fail.
There are two types of fear. One freezes us, the other motivates us.
There are two types of fear, but we should only afraid of one of them.