I’m an experiential learner. That means I learn best when I’m doing it. In the past I’d jump in, get my hands dirty and see what happens. It’s a great way to learn when the cost of failure is low. But, as the cost of failure increases, learning on your own dime gets to be costly.
After a few failure beatings, I’ve learned to learn form others failures. It’s no panacea, however, over the years I’m convinced it’s kept me from taking as many beatings.
I found this blog post the other day, 25 Best Startup Failure Post-Mortems. It’s the best list of “failures” I’ve seen. It’s a list of 32 start-up failures and what happened. I haven’t read them all yet, but the ones I’ve read so far are great. The very first one is a riot. It’s filled with all kinds of take aways and is hilariously entertaining.
If you believe in learning from others. This blog post is chalk filled with learning opportunities. Read it (them!)