I took my daughters to the driving range last week. It was their first time. I didn’t want to overwhelm them with “lessons” so I just let them hit.
After about 20 minutes, Kenna, my 4 year old looks up at me and says; “Dad, I like this, but it sucks!”
Welcome to golf, I thought to myself.
I also realized this is what life is all about. We do things that suck. Unfortunately, too often we measure our desire to continue to do them on whether or not it sucks. When things suck, they don’t feel good, so we want to stop. The problem is, we can’t get good at anything if it always feels good. Most people quit or say it’s not for them when it starts to “suck”.
Sometimes sucking does really suck and it means it’s time to move on. Other times sucking means your growing, your getting closer, your working hard, or doing more than others. When that happens keep going. Victory is not far away.
“It sucks” happens in everything and with everyone; entrepreneurs, start-ups, selling, athletes, parenting and more. You can’t get away from it. When it sucks just remember why your doing it. “It sucks” is part of the journey. Embrace, don’t run from it.
After her difinitve statement, Kenna put her head back down and starting swinging again. She’s asked me to go golfing at least 10 times since then. We’re going to go today. I’ll take my kids do anything they say sucks, if they ask me to. That means they’re on the right track.
What do you like to do that sucks?