Jesus Saves is a Terrible Message

What is this guy is selling?

It’s the glory of God and his ability to transform your life for the positive. At least that’s what I think he’s selling. It’s hard to tell. His “Jesus Saves” sign really doesn’t tell me very much. I’m not sure what he wants from me. Does he want me to join his church or congregation, or does just want me to go to any church? What exactly is he selling with that sign? What does “Jesus Saves” mean?

Jesus Saves is a terrible marketing message. It gives nothing to potential prospects about what is being sold and what they are buying. Prospects are left wondering exactly what does Jesus save? Why does it matter to me? Why do I need to be saved? What happens if I’m not? What does “saved” mean? How is my life any better if I’m saved? How does he save me? What do I have to do? Who is this Jesus guy? How much time will it take? Can I be “saved” later, I’m kinda busy right now? What if I’ve been saved before and it didn’t work? I know people who have been “saved” and they’re a pain in the ass. I don’t want to be a pain in the ass. Can I be saved without being a pain in the ass? Being saved seems like a lot of work, are there any other, less intrusive options? How much does it cost to be “saved?” Do you take Visa? Is there a “saved” lay-a-way plan? Do you have any references? Can I talk to other “saved” people besides yourself?

Jesus Saves as a marketing message is awful. It leaves just too much to the prospect to figure out and therefore reasons to say “NO!” Marketing messages need to give prospects and customers a clear vision of what they get and why it matters. Messages that make it easy to get to yes.

Enterprise versions of Jesus Saves-

  • Cisco Routes
  • McDonalds Feeds
  • Toyota Moves
  • Facebook Shares
  • Apple Connects
  • Microsoft Works
These are terrible messages, and there is a reason there are no “McDonalds Feeds” signs anywhere.

Jesus may save, but the marketing message needs saving. Don’t create Jesus Saves marketing campaigns. Create good ones.
