I’m still sick, but I’m coming out the back end. Therefore we have another guest post. This one is by Russell Bradley Cook. Russell is one of the more active members of this community and one smart guy.
Thanks Russell
There are many distractions to a sales person – while some of these are essential to business, many are more mundane requests.
Most day to day distractions come via email – these usually come in the form of an urgent question that demands your attention. You have two options – jump up and down and wag your tail, or park the noise.
The best thing you can do is to respectfully park the noise and stay on the hunt for real business. Create your own version of the message below, keep a list of your commitments, and deliver on them in your down time – just don’t wag your tail.
“I’ve got your request. I will need about 24 hours to dig into it. I’ll get back to you by end-of-day tomorrow to let you know when it will be done.”