39 Sick Sales Gurus to Follow on Twitter

I don’t think anyone who reads this blog is confused about my opinions on social media and its impact careers and successful selling. Whether you are a CEO, SVP/VP sales, Sales Manager or a Sales Leader if you have not embeded social into your daily processes you aren’t doing your job.

At the very least, every person, who has a job to do should AT LEAST be using Twitter as an information stream. Every person on this planet (who has access to the net) should be monitoring Twitter, Twitter key words, and the people who influence their industry. If nothing more than that is done, that can be considered enough for now.

Therefore, I wanted share with this community some of the best sales and marketing guru’s to follow on Twitter. These people dole out an abundance of GREAT reading and info around sales, social selling, cold calling, sales leadership, and more. If you are in sales, this is a goldmine of info to help you make your number.

Create a Twitter list of these folks and check it out everyday. You can call it “Twitter Sales Gurus.” Add others to the list as you find them. I promise, following this list will increase sales, your selling ability and sales leadership, that is if you actually absorb what they share.

If you don’t use Twitter, don’t know how to create Twitter Lists etc. download my Twitter for Sales ebook. There just isn’t an excuse any longer.

Now find each of these people on Twitter and start following them. I put me in here too, just in case, by some crazy coincidence you don’t follow me. If you have any great Twitter follow suggestions, put them in the comments. There never can be too many. Now, enjoy and get following!

  1. Miles Austin @milesaustin
  2. Karin Bellantoni @BlueprintSMS
  3. Jim Domanski @TeleSalesExpert
  4. Terri Dunevant @wincourage
  5. Matt Goff @mattgoffsales
  6. Charlie Green @CharlesHGreen
  7. Gary Hart @SalesDuJour
  8. Leanne Hoagland Smith @coachlee
  9. Mark Hunter @TheSalesHunter
  10. Anthony Iannarino @iannarino
  11. Jim Keenan @keenan
  12. Jerry Kennedy @jerrykennedy
  13. Mike Kunkle @Mike_Kunkle
  14. Alen Mayer @mayeralen
  15. Paul McCord @paul_mccord
  16. Kelly McCormick @kellymccormick_
  17. Nancy Nardin @sellingtools
  18. Andy Paul @zerotimeselling
  19. Don F. Perkins @donfperkins
  20. Doug Rice d @douglaserice
  21. Lori Richardson @scoremoresales
  22. Kelly Riggs @kellyriggs
  23. Kelley Robertson @FearlessSelling
  24. Steven Rosen @StevenARosen
  25. Richard Ruff @saleshorizons
  26. Todd Schnick @toddschnick
  27. Tibor Shanto @TiborShanto
  28. Elinor Stutz @smoothsale
  29. Babette Ten Haken @babettetenhaken
  30. Bob Terson @RobertTerson
  31. Ken Thoreson @KenThoreson
  32. Dan Waldschmidt @danwaldo
  33. Mike Weinberg @mike_weinberg
  34. Lynn Hidy @upyourtelesales
  35. Jill Konrath @JillKonrath
  36. Jeffrey Gitomer @gitomer
  37. Townsend Wardlaw @townsendwardlaw
  38. Jonathan Farrington @topsalesworld
  39. Barbara Giamanco @barbaragiamanco

Good News!

Robert Freeborn (Go follow him on Twitter) has created a public list of all these fabulous Twitter folks. He’s done the work for you. If you want to follow them all, just go here: Twitter Sales Guru List and click subscribe. You’ll get your daily dose of all your sales goodness with one click.

Thanks ROB!!!!!!
