Badass recruiting, that’s what we do here at A Sales Guy Recruiting. This week I’ve put together a recruiting quote roundup; the best posts that will help you find the “A” Player you’re looking for, and how to become that “A” Player yourself. Recruiting keeps you on your toes; A Sales Guy Recruiting is here to help you hone your skills and keep it fresh. Take a look at our freshest recruiting quotes and read the posts if you haven’t already. Quotes are a friendly reminder to me, of the values that I hold. Hope these are of some value for ya on a Monday, have a great week!
Experience Doesn’t Matter — If Your Sales Candidates Don’t Have These 3 Things
You Know You’re Interviewing an “A” Player When . . .
Can A Great Resume Prevent You From Hiring an “A” Player?
It’s on you! How to Find “A Players” TODAY
NO is the Biggest Little Word in Business!